Medication Adherence
Taking your medications exactly as prescribed is not always the easiest thing to do, especially when you have multiple medications that are taken throughout the day.
Medication adherence is the idea that we take all of our medications on time every day and never miss a dose. In practice, most patients will use some form of memory aide like pill planners or reminders on their phones.
Corner Drugs can help you manage your medications and even help you remember to fill them on time each month.
An estimated 50 percent or more of medications for chronic conditions, such as high cholesterol and diabetes, are not taken as prescribed.
Medication non-adherence can lead to worsening health conditions, hospitalizations and death. Whatever the reason is for medication non-adherence, we have a solution for you. Ask one of our team members how we can help you today.
Ask any of our staff today about our pill-packaging service and how you can get signed up.
Corner Drugs Simple Pack Intake Form